What We offer:

  • Tarot Readings

  • Tarot Classes

  • Crystal Grids

Crystal grids are an incredibly powerful energy tool to use when manifesting your desires, goals and intentions.

To order your own custom grid, get in touch.

Tarot Readings

3 Month Reading

A 3 month tarot reading is a great way to gain insight into what the future has in its hands for you in the matters of love, business/career and well-being.


6 or 12 Month Reading

A 6 or 12 month tarot reading is a great way to gain insight into what the future has in its hands for you in the matters of love, business/career and well-being. (June-Dec. or Jan.-Dec.)


Past Life Reading

This reading provides an in depth look at a past life that is currently acting with your life path.


6 Week Tarot Classes

Discover the mystical world of tarot in our 6-week evening class! New dates for 2025 announced soon.


The How and Why of Tarot and Crystals

I found in my readings that often clients needed something more than the words and guidance to carry the reading on from the table (I was a table reader at the time). I often gave them a small octahedron fluorite crystal to remember own conversations.

So that is how a merge the two intuitive crafts now. I build a grid off of your reading.  I base my designs on Sacred Geometry and a knowledge of balancing energy for your benefit. 

When I first saw a grid in Denver, I was fascinated but not convinced. I built a grid for myself and added some friends and family on my Prosperity and Abundance Grid.  It proved beneficial to us all. So, I started small with 3 crystals, I call Crystal Compasses, aimed at heart, Art of the Heart, health, Body and Soul and Wealth, aptly titled, Crystal Cash. They came complete with instructions on how to “fire up” the crystals. 


Nancy Jean’s Garden on YouTube

Keep up with the latest from my Youtube Channel.


12 Month Reading - Nancy Jean's Garden

12 Month Reading Demonstration - Nancy Jean's Garden

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Schedule a Tarot Reading with Nancy.