Hi, I’m Nancy Jean
I am a psychic, intuitive Tarot reader who also helps you learn how to use crystals and grids in your spiritual journey. My garden is a place for you and your abilities to grow in enlightenment.
My Journey to Crystals
My journey towards using crystals in conjunction with Tarot started while I was working Psychic Fairs in the 80’s. The fun of those fairs was meeting all the other readers, and lightworkers. One of the booths was run by Annie. She was a brilliant person with the “rocks” on display. She would carefully guide you through the vibrations of her wares. I bought my first Rainbow Obsidian from her. It did ground me, something I needed badly at the time. She taught me the legends and powers of the rocks. It added an aspect of energy work I needed since I lived in my head way too much of the time.
I kept the crystals near me as I read at my table. I switched them around to meet my needs and learned their power by trial and error. I started giving out little Fluorite octahedrons (eight sided) crystals. This natural shape represents the energy shield we create when we pray “Bless above me, Below me, to the Left of me, to the Right of me, in Front and in Back.” We create our own octahedrons of protection and energy. Clients mentioned that when they had the physical manifestation of the energy we shared; the messages lasted longer.
Then in 2018, I went to Denver and did a psychic shop tour with one of my oldest friends. In almost every shop I saw crystal grids in wood, fabric and stone, along with a every kind of crystal you could imagine. It awoke the curiosity in me. When I returned, I read everything I could find on grids and Sacred Geometry. I decided to try a grid for myself and my close family. I built it. I created my list of intentions for the group. I focused on prosperity and new growth. I energetically joined the crystals vibrations and walked away. The next day I opened my email and I had been awarded a free reading by New Hampshire Astrologer, www.nhastrologer.com. Dorothy Morgan randomly picks an email from her new contacts every month, and I was the pick. She is great. The progressed reading was wonderful. It ends up she had picked my name out within 2 hours of my grid activation. Definitely a prosperity boost for me. Others on the list had out of the blue changes of fortune, new offers and shifts in energy and prosperity. They all knew about our grid but never saw it or touched it. This was the personal proof I needed really dived into studying crystals and Sacred Geometry.
Tarot in My Life
I became aware of my abilities from slumber parties, where you did everything but slumber. Everyone had a deck of cards, a pendulum or a Magic 8 Ball and we would play with them. Over time I found out my reading worked out. So, I kept reading cards for friends and their older siblings. One time, at summer camp, we were having a camp fire and I felt very weird. There was some/one/thing behind me in the woods. Now woods in Michigan are thick and dark, so we could not see anything. I told my counselor as we went back to the cabin. They sent out the male counselors to look and they found a spot back by the fence where someone had been hidden in the dark. They came back and asked me what me what my impressions were and I described the guy I saw and that he jumped the fence and headed left.
All of this matched what they had found by the fence. That is the first time I heard the word “psychic”. It ends up my counselors Mother was sensitive. She told me I was fine and I would learn how to deal with it. No one made a big deal of it so I guess I thought everyone was like me.
I have taught Tarot, worked psychic fairs, and before the COVID came to town, I read in at a winery and a vintage clothing store. I know just enough Astrology and Numerology to be dangerous and I am fascinated with Fung Shui and love to explore all the spiritual skills.
The How and Why of Tarot and Crystals
I found in my readings that often clients needed something more than the words and guidance to carry the reading on from the table (I was a table reader at the time). I often gave them a small octahedron fluorite crystal to remember own conversations.
So that is how a merge the two intuitive crafts now. I build a grid off of your reading. I base my designs on Sacred Geometry and a knowledge of balancing energy for your benefit.
When I first saw a grid in Denver, I was fascinated but not convinced. I built a grid for myself and added some friends and family on my Prosperity and Abundance Grid. It proved beneficial to us all. So, I started small with 3 crystals, I call Crystal Compasses, aimed at heart, Art of the Heart, health, Body and Soul and Wealth, aptly titled, Crystal Cash. They came complete with instructions on how to “fire up” the crystals.
Why Is the Dragonfly My Spirit Animal for Grids?
In almost every part of the world, the Dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, adaptability, and self-realization.
The change that is often referred about Dragonflies has its source in mental and emotional maturity and understanding the deeper meaning of life. It matures from a nymph in the water to the transformation of the iridescence, showing itself in different color depending on the angle and how light falls on it. Its multi-faceted eyes symbolize uninhibited vision of your surroundings. It is a symbol of hope, change and new beginnings. This is the energy you can generate from a grid.
Grids are a system to help you become a billboard for our goals and desires. Grids don’t do the work but it does the energetic work become concrete through you. The beautiful crystalline energy “soup” becomes an outward sign of an inward goal, supporting you to your intentions.

How to Reach me for a Reading
Email me at Crystaldirections.nancyjean@gmail.com
I’ll contact you on how to arrange a Zoom meeting. I also have a YouTube Channel, where I blend my disciplines and invite you to come into my spiritual garden for guidance, knowledge, and how it ended up being a garden, you’ll have to visit and see.