Why Is the Dragonfly My Spirit Animal for Grids?


In almost every part of the world, the Dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, adaptability, and self-realization.

The change that is often referred about Dragonflies has its source in mental and emotional maturity and understanding the deeper meaning of life. It matures from a nymph in the water to the transformation of the iridescence, showing itself in different color depending on the angle and how light falls on it.  Its multi-faceted eyes symbolize uninhibited vision of your surroundings.  It is a symbol of hope, change and new beginnings.  This is the energy you can generate from a grid.

Grids are a system to help you become a billboard for our goals and desires.  Grids don’t do the work but it does the energetic work become concrete through you.  The beautiful crystalline energy “soup” becomes an outward sign of an inward goal, supporting you to your intentions.

Crystals are reborn star matter created and recreated by a variety of processes, each of which affect how energy is able to flow.
— Judy Hall